Writing the perfect headline can be tricky. There’s often pressure to craft something compelling enough that people will want to read further. People often don’t read past a headline, and that problem is getting worse in today’s over-saturated digital age.
If you’re ready to learn to write attention-grabbing headlines that get results, then look no further. Check out these steps for crafting compelling headlines.
1. Write a draft headline for your content.
This step can occur either before or after writing your content, depending on your preference. Many people, however, have found it easier to first write their headlines. It gives them a loose guide to follow as their piece comes together.
When you draft your headline first, you have the opportunity to come back and tweak it later so it best fits the copy. Maybe your content took a turn and no longer matches the original headline. Your draft allows to have a basis for a potentially better headline later.
2. Write multiple headline options.
Once you’ve written your draft headline and content, it’s time to make a list of at least 25 potential headlines. Yes, you read that correctly. An internet search will show you scientific evidence that people become more creative as they write.
You’ll likely come up with your best headline toward the end of your list. Plus, you can use headlines you don’t choose in later pieces.
3. Use persuasive words.
Vibrant words add power to your headlines. People are more likely to engage with sensory words—words that help readers see, hear, feel, smell or taste what you’re describing. They allow readers to use their imaginations.
Think about which headline you’d be more willing to click on:
- Ways to Improve Your Brand’s Following, or
- Inside Secrets Guaranteed to Earn Your Brand More Followers.
You likely chose the second option, right? Its compelling wording made it seem like it would be more informative, when they could both be the same article.
4. Test your headlines.
Now that you’ve compiled your list of enticing headlines, you can test them using a headline analyzer. There are plenty to choose from online. A headline analyzer lets you plug in your headlines to test for factors such as word balance, length, type and sentiment. Some even give you a score on how effective your headline would be.
Congratulations! You now likely have some fantastic headlines to choose from. The process of creating a great headline is easier than it seems, and if you keep following these steps, you’re sure to see conversions from your readers.