It’s no secret that designing the perfect logo can be tricky. A well-crafted logo has the ability to create a relationship between your brand and your audience. Conversely, a poorly designed logo will fail to convey your business message and can end up harming your brand.
Your logo appears on just about every branded piece you produce. You want it to become recognizable in the eyes of both current and potential consumers. In order to help you do so, we’ve come up with some tips to help you in designing your brand’s logo.
1. Know your brand.
Before you can start designing your logo, you need to have a firm grasp on what your brand, business and market are all about. What do you want your brand to be in the future? You should also be keeping your target market in mind. What kind of design would appeal to the people you want to reach? Answering these questions will help you find a place to start in the design process.
2. Make sure it represents your organization.
Your logo should reflect the nature of your business. The colors and imagery you choose should help people associate your logo with your brand and what it does. When these aspects align, they will form a brand identity.
3. Use colors strategically.
Different colors are known to represent different meanings. For example, if you decide your brand is aggressive and passionate, you might consider choosing red as your logo’s main color. If you want your brand to represent intelligence and loyalty, blue would be a good choice for your logo. If you’re interested in learning more about the science behind colors, do a quick internet search. You’ll be sure to find great information.
4. Choose fonts carefully.
Just like colors, the font or fonts you choose for your logo should speak to your brand’s personality. Consider Apple as an example. The tech giant is known for its simple, sleek products, and its typography reflects that. Choosing a font that doesn’t represent what your brand stands for can confuse potential consumers. If possible, create your own font specifically for your logo, like Coca-Cola’s widely recognized script.
5. Keep it simple.
Too many colors or fonts can confuse and turn off potential consumers. When designing your brand’s logo, be sure to keep the shape and style simple, with no more than two colors, fonts or elements. Think about some famous logos like the Nike swoosh or the Target bullseye. Simplicity is key.
Designing your brand’s logo is a daunting task, but don’t fret. These tips will help you stay focused to create a logo that your business and your consumers will love.